Recently, horror writer and Stoker winner Nicole Cushing wrote an editorial for the Ginger Nuts of Horror about nightmares, dissociation, experiencing death at an early age, and how that has affected her writing, especially for penning her latest novella, The Sadist’s Bible. Here is a sample:
I don’t mind such nightmares. Nightmares are research. Now, to be clear, nightmares lack the narrative structure of a story and they typically lack well-developed characters, too. So there’s still a lot of work to do after I wake from them. (It isn’t just a matter of getting zapped with the right nightmare and writing it all down. As with the halluci-daydreams, I have to work hard to build a story around the visceral images.)
You may be wondering why I’m telling you something this personal…
…The Sadist’s Bible isn’t just about disturbing imagery. My intent is for the imagery to simply serve as seasoning. Characterization is the meat. Plot is the bone. This is a story about two women, their lust for one another, and their suicidal urges. It’s about God, suffering, and the animalistic aspects of sex and spirituality.
You can read the full editorial by Nicole Cushing at
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