2017 | |||
REVIEW | The Sadist’s Bible | The dark sexual tones, sadistic eroticism, and the intertwined bond between pleasure and pain certainly brought to mind Clive Barker. The novella is fast paced, and there is not a dull moment. – Andrew Tadman / Scream Magazine | 9/4/2016 |
REVIEW | The Sadist’s Bible | She creates such a fantastic world of depravity that I couldn’t put the story down. I was repulsed and fascinated simultaneously. This story is bound to touch upon the guilt and the private places in all of us, things we might not want to admit to others or even ourselves. – Reads & Reels | 1/4/2017 |
REVIEW | The Sadist’s Bible | I knew if was fucked up and heavy going in. I didn’t know just how much. What surprised me was how well the story built up my tolerance for the last 1/3 or so. – Fmalexander | 1/4/2017 |
AWARD | The Sadist’s Bible | After blowing my mind last year with her incredible novel MR. SUICIDE, Cushing’s follow up novella is every bit as disturbing, thought provoking, and eerie as you’d expect. Excellent. – Top Ten Books of 2016 / The Horror Fiction Review | 1/3/2017 |
REVIEW | Whispers from the Abyss | The presentation was top notch…For today’s reader on the go, Whispers from the Abyss is a great collection of scaly, tentacled horror. – Daniel Schwent / Dangerous Dan’s Book Blog | 1/19/2017 |
REVIEW | Whispers from the Abyss 2 | the content was worth the price, maybe even a wider range of Lovecraftian nasties than the previous one. – Daniel Schwent / Dangerous Dan’s Book Blog | 1/23/2017 |
AWARD NOMINATION | Casefile: ARKHAM – Nightmare on the Canvas | Casefile: ARKHAM – Nightmare on the Canvas has been nominated for two Ghastly Awards, Best Original Graphic Novel and Best Inker (Patrick McEvoy) | 2/1/2017 |
AWARD NOMINATION | The Sadist’s Bible | Stoker Award Nomination for Superior Achievement in Long Fiction | 2/23/2017 |
INTERVIEW | Kat Rocha | Revolution Comics Podcast | 2/26/2017 |
INTERVIEW | Nicole Cushing | Unnerving Magazine Issue 2 | 3/15/2017 |
REVIEW | The Sadist’s Bible | Cushing’s flagrant disregard of all things moral is an enjoyable little joyride into Nietzsche-ville…It’s gutsy, riveting, depraved, and oh-so-strange! – Renier Palland / Horror Novel Reviews | 3/23/2017 |
INTERVIEW | Patrick McEvoy | The Horrific Review | |
INTERVIEW | The Sadist’s Bible | Horror Writer’s Association | 4/20/2017 |
READING AND SIGNING | Nicole Cushing live reading the Sadist’s Bible at Mysterious Galaxy | San Diego Reader | 4/27/2017 |
REVIEW | The Sadist’s Bible | Nicole Cushing is no-holds-barred when it comes to her deviant approach towards sex and religion… I was impressed and drawn in by [her] boldness and nerve. – Black Guys Do Read | 5/13/2017 |
REVIEW | Casefile: ARKHAM – Nightmare on the Canvas | The story is clear and easy to follow, and boots right along even while bouncing in and out of nightmares/memories to give room for extra great visuals. – Eddie Generous / Unnerving Magazine | 6/9/2017 |
INTERVIEW | Patrick McEvoy | Horror Talk – Funner Book Splatter Episode 20 |
6/23/2017 |
WORKSHOP / CLASS | J. Ishiro Finney Teaching a Class on Writing Horror Comics at Mysterious Galaxy | San Diego Reader | 6/23/2017 |
REVIEW | The Sadist’s Bible | This is brutal, disturbing, and confrontational fiction in the best sense. If horror is your choicest poison, then this book is as good a choice as any. – Mike Thorn / Unnerving Magazine | 6/30/2017 |
REVIEW | World War Kaiju | Center of Enrichment and Diversity in Geek Culture | 8/3/2017 |
INTERVIEW | Patrick McEvoy | Solitaire Rose Radio 70: Favorite Jack Kirby Inkers with Patrick McEvoy | 8/3/2017 |
REVIEW | 01Publishing Catalog | Capn Cummings – SJW Marvel BAD UNBOXING | 8/11/2017 |
REVIEW | Whispers from the Abyss | I definitely was smiling during my read of this… – Orion’s Cold Fire | 9/10/2017 |
INTERVIEW | Nicole Cushing | This Is Horror Episode 169 –Nicole Cushing on Writer’s Block, Depicting Sexual Violence, and Transgressive Fiction
This Is Horror Episode 170 – Nicole Cushing on The Sadist’s Bible, Mr. Suicide, and the Bram Stoker Award |
9/29/2017 |
REVIEW | Casefile: ARKHAM – Nightmare on the Canvas | Coffee and Comics Episode 13 – Casefile: ARKHAM vol.1 “This is a Detective Story that crosses over into something else.” | 10/23/2017 |
REVIEW | Whispers from the Abyss | ![]() |
12/11/2017 |
REVIEW | Casefile: ARKHAM – Her Blood Runs Cold | KrayZ Comics and Stories Episode 332 | 12/11/2017 |
REVIEW | Revelations of Zang | Overall, this is a really cool book, and while there’s more sorcery than swords by far here, I really dig it and commend to any lover of both. 8 of 10 fell deeds – Alfred Genesson The Injustice Gamer | 12/12/2017 |
INTERVIEW | Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy | The Horror Tree Presents…Josh Finney & Patrick McEvoy by Selene MacLeod |
12/15/2017 |
INTERVIEW | Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy | The New Panic Room Episode 74 | 12/28/2017 |
- REVIEW: D. B. Spitzer / People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos
Whispers from the Abyss Podcast Episode - REVIEW: Rickey L. Brown / Amazing Stories
Casefile: ARKHAM - REVIEW: Mike / The Fellowship of Geeks
Casefile: ARKHAM - AWARD: Top Five Novella Reads of 2016 – Char’s Horror Corner
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: David Goudsward / Hellnotes
Whispers from the Abyss 2 - INTERVIEW: T.E. Lyons / Leo Weekly
Nicole Cushing – The Sadist’s Bible - INTERVIEW: Barbara Dillon / Fanbase Press
Nicole Cushing – The Sadist’s Bible - INTERVIEW: Canned Air Podcast
Nicole Cushing – The Sadist’s Bible - INTERVIEW: Daikaiju Network
Josh Finney, Kat Rocha - REVIEW: Piper Steed / Fanboy Nation
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: John Dodds / Amazing Stories Magazine
Casefile: ARKHAM - REVIEW: Eddie Generous / Unnerving Magazine
Whispers from the Abyss 2 - INTERVIEW: 91.1 FM WRMU
Nicole Cushing - INTERVIEW: Unnerving Magazine
Nicole Cushing - INTERVIEW: Strange Aeons Magazine Issue 20 – Small Press Big Shots
Kat Rocha - INTERVIEW: Miskatonic Musings
Casefile: ARKHAM – Her Blood Runs Cold - TOP LISTS: Peter Tennant Best Reads of 2016 3rd Quarter
The Sadist’s Bible - PRESS RELEASE: Gingernuts
The Sadist’s Bible - PRESS RELEASE: Library of the Damned
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Eddie Generous / Unnerving Magazine
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Harbinger 451
Whispers from the Abyss 2 - INTERVIEW: Neon Dystopia
Josh Finney - INTERVIEW: Eric Ratcliffe / Why I Love Comics
Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy – Casefile: ARKHAM Nightmare on the Canvas - INTERVIEW: Canned Air Podcast
Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy – Casefile: ARKHAM Nightmare on the Canvas - INTERVIEW: Cory Strode / Kray Z Comics and Stories
Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy – Casefile: ARKHAM Nightmare on the Canvas - PRESS RELEASE: Comic Plug
Casefile: ARKHAM – Her Blood Runs Cold - INTERVIEW: Wendi Freeman / Double Page Spread
Josh Finney, Patrick McEvoy, Kat Rocha - PRESS RELEASE: Social Horror
Casefile: ARKHAM – Her Blood Runs Cold - REVIEW: Harbinger 451
Whispers from the Abyss - PRESS RELEASE: Promote Horror
Casefile: ARKHAM - PRESS RELEASE: Hell Notes
Casefile: ARKHAM - PRESS RELEASE: ScreamFix
Whispers from the Abyss 2 - INTERVIEW: Grimm Tidings
Nicole Cushing, Josh Finney, Patrick McEvoy, Kat Rocha - INTERVIEW: Jess Landry / Hell Notes
Nicole Cushing – The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Andrew Tadman / The Books of Blood
The Sadist’s Bible - INTERVIEW: The Geek Cave Episode 70.1
Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy - REVIEW: Isaac Wheeler (Veritas) / Neondystopia
Utopiates - HONORABLE MENTIONS: Ellen Datlow / Best Horror of the Year Vol.8
Laird Barron “Strident Caller”
Cody Goodfellow “Red Americans”
John Palisano “Lucky Chuck Takes the Sunshine Express”
Jonathan Sharp “Skoptsy” - INTERVIEW: Barbra Dillon / Fanbase Press
Casefile: ARKHAM – Nightmare on the Canvas SDCC2016 - REVIEW: James Ferguson / Horror Talk
Casefile: ARKHAM – Nightmare on the Canvas - REVIEW: Marvin Vernon / The Novel Pursuit
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Peter Tennant / Trumpetville
The Sadist’s Bible - INTERVIEW: Andrew / Books of Blood
Nicole Cushing - REVIEW: Brian Sammons / Hell Notes
Casefile: ARKHAM – Nightmare on the Canvas - INTERVIEW: MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape
Nicole Cushing - REVIEW: Adrian Shotbolt / Bevis of the Bookhead
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Nicholas Diak / Fanbase Press
Whispers from the Abyss Vol.2 - REVIEW: People’s Guide to the Cthulhu Mythos
Whispers from the Abyss Vol.1 - REVIEW: Frank Michael Serrington
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Nick Cato / Horror Fiction Review
The Sadist’s Bible - INTERVIEW: Nicole Cushing / Ginger Nuts
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Jeb Kinnison / Tangent
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Bark’s Book Nonsense
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Alex DiVincenzo / Broke Horror Fan
Casefile: ARKHAM - INTERVIEW: Fanbase Press
Patrick McEvoy - INTERVIEW: LitReactor
Nicole Cushing - REVIEW: Jaffa Kintigh / Jaffalogue
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: Shane Douglas Keene / This Is Horror
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Laurie / Horror After Dark
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Carmilla Voiez / Terror Realm
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Mark Matthews / Author of Milk-Blood
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: Michele Britany / Fanboy Comics
Casefile: ARKHAM - REVIEW: Jaffa Kintigh / Jafalogue
The Sadist’s Bible - REVIEW: MyLiveMyBooksMyEscape
Utopiates - REVIEW: Comic Book Reviewer
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: MyLifeMyBooksMyEscape
Crazy Mary - INTERVIEW: H.P. Lovecast
Josh Finney & Patrick McEvoy - REVIEW: Jaffa Kintigh / Jaffalogue
Crazy Mary - INTERVIEW: Everything Comes Back to 2000AD
Josh Finney / Patrick McEvoy [listen] - REVIEW: Jaffa Kintigh / Jaffalogue
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Johnny Macabre / The Blood-Shed
Casefile: ARKHAM - REVIEW: Jaffa Kintigh / Jaffalogue
Utopiates - INTERVIEW: DaiKaiju Network
World War Kaiju, Casefile: ARKHAM - REVIEW: Darrell Hardy
Casefile: ARKHAM - INTERVIEW: The Geek Cave
Casefile: ARKHAM Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy
- REVIEW: Shawn C. Baker / Joup Magazine
Casefile: ARKHAM - REVIEW: Daniel Alvarez / Unleash the Fanboy
Casefile: ARKHAM - REVIEW: David Watson / HorrorAddicts.net
Casefile: ARKHAM and Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: Cory Strode / Cray Z Comics and Stories
Casefile: ARKHAM - REVIEW: Bhavna Bakshi / Comic Wow
Casefile: ARKHAM - PRESS RELEASE: Horror Addicts
Whispers from the Abyss 2 - PRESS RELEASE: Richard Schiver / Written in Blood
Whispers from the Abyss 2 - INTERVIEW: Wendi Freeman / Double Page Spread
Josh Finney and Kat Rocha - REVIEW: C. Lee Brant / Galleywampus
Whispers from the Abyss - PRESS RELEASE: Whispers from the Abyss 2
SF Signal - AWARD: Whispers from the Abyss
“Chasing Sunset” by A.C. Wise honorable mention for Best Horror of the Year vol.7 by Ellen Datlow - AWARD: Whispers from the Abyss
“The Well” by Tim Jeffreys honorable mention for Best Horror of the Year vol.7 by Ellen Datlow - INTERVIEW: Vicis Interimo / 30min. To Kill
- Kat Rocha – 01Publishing
- REVIEW: Daniel Alvarez / Unleash the Fanboy
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Konstantine / Albedo
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: John Dodd / Ghost without a Shell
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Emma Weiler / No Flying No Tights
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Peter Tennant / Black Static #46
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: Jase Short / Red Wedge
World War Kaiju - INTERVIEW: Blood Shed
Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy - INTERVIEW: KaijuCast
Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy - REVIEW: Robots Attack 103.3FM
World War Kaiju - INTERVIEW: Kray Z Comics and Stories
Patrick McEvoy - REVIEW: MillionWordMan
World War Kaiju - INTERVIEW: MedusPod
Josh Finney and Patrick McEvoy - REVIEW: Popculture Uncovered
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Konstantine, Albedo
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: Robots Attack
World War Kaiju - INTERVEW: Pulp Cast
Patrick McEvoy - REVIEW: OmniJerBear
World War Kaiju - AWARD: Alternate History Weekly Update
World War Kaiju: Best Comic of 2014
- REVIEW: Travellingman.Wordpress.com
Utopiates - REVIEW: Double Page Spread
World War Kaiju - INTERVIEW: Anime Vice
Josh Finney / World War Kaiju - INTERVIEW: Solitaire Rose Radio Part 1 Part 2
Josh Finney, Kat Rocha, and Patrick McEvoy - INTERVIEW: Legendarium Media
Patrick McEvoy and Josh Finney - REVIEW: Monster Attack Team
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: ReGeeken
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Amazing Stories Magazine
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: STARBURST Magazine
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Nerd Binge
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Alternate History Weekly Update
World War Kaiju - SPOTLIGHT: Gothic Comics
01Publishing - REVIEW: Fit To Read
World War Kaiju - PRESS RELEASE: Comic Related
World War Kaiju - PRESS RELEASE: Fanboy Nation
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Nerds on the Rocks
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: John DeNardo, Kirkus Review
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: The Geekverse
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Revolution SF
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Optic House
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Comic News Insider
World War Kaiju (38:15) - REVIEW: Innsmouth Free Press
Whispers from the Abyss - INTERVIEW: Fanboy Nation
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: Adventures in SciFi Publishing
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: SFCrowsnest
World War Kaiju - INTERVIEW: Amazing Stories
Kat Rocha - REVIEW: Planet X Control Room
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Hell Notes
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: Indie Comic Book Noise
World War Kaiju - INTERVIEW: Planet X Control Room
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Hell Notes
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: SFFWorld.com
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: Innsmouth Magazine
Whispers from the Abyss
- REVIEW: Geeks of Doom
Whispers from the Abyss - REVIEW: SFFWorld.com
Revelations of Zang - REVIEW: The Examiner
World War Kaiju - REVIEW: Comics For Sinners
Crazy Mary, Futuristic Mayhem Page-Turner - PODCAST: Radio Drama Revival
North America’s premier radio show about audio drama reivews Titanium Rain and plays some preview clips of the audio. - REVIEW: AudioFile Magazine reviews Titanium Rain
- PODCAST: The Mean Geek
The Mean Geeks hang with authors Josh Finney & Mike Colbert at Emerald City Comic Con. They discuss Utopiates, Titanium Rain, Crazy Mary, and more. - PODCAST: Science Fiction Show
Author Josh Finney talks Utopiates, Titanium Rain and the wonders of epublishing.
- PODCAST: Amber Unmasked
Josh Finney & Kat Rocha talk with Amber Love about Utopiates, art technique, and body portrayal in comics. - INTERVIEW: Bleeding Cool
Alastair Stuart talks with author Josh Finney about Titanium Rain, near-death experiences, and the concept of a post-millennial war story. - REVIEW: Publishers Weekly reviews Titanium Rain.
- PODCAST: Comicbook Therapy
Crazy Mary author Michael Colbert sits down with the CT crew to talk about sci-fi, kickstarter, and working w ith J.K. Woodward. - REVIEW: Comic Buzz reviews Utopiates, Volume 1
- REVIEW: Comic Bastards reviews Utopiates, Volume 1
- PODCAST: The Geek Cave review Utopiates, Volume 1
- REVIEW: The Lottery Party reviews the Titainum Rain Audio Drama
- REVIEW: Broken Frontier reviews Utopiates, Volume 1 Review
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